This is the End of 1,326 Miles-Day 26 of my solo bike tour across South America

Best climbing tree

I am embarrassed. Nobody deserves the level of cheerleading that I have received for something they wanted to do. I guess I needed it.

I wandered through Eucalyptus forests today, balanced on narrow boards across wetlands, climbed a tall pine tree, waded in the surf and got lost in the sand dunes (for real—that was exhausting !) As I did, I tried to decompress, letting all the anxieties and worries of the last month peel away and in my head, I found myself talking to you. I was explaining what I was feeling, taking pictures so that I could show you a cool pine cone or a new bird and I realized, that in all this aloneness, you have been my company and I can’t thank you enough.

I love adventuring and I love telling stories. I love writing to make sense of my experience. Sometimes—truthfully—it seems very narcissistic because it is a one way street. I blab on and on—thank you for not telling me to stuff it.

People have written comments that have said, “You are amazing!” It makes me blush, but that is not true. Well, it is true, but I am no more amazing than you. There are plenty of brave people out there who don’t need to manufacture adventure to prove it to themselves. Sometimes it takes bravery to get through a regular day.

I will say that this trip has proven me right about a lot of things. This world in an incredible place, people can be generous and kind and being vulnerable is the best way to learn.

My saddle sores have calloused, (they are not pretty) my skin is leathery, my heels are cracked, my clothes are filthy, my butt has grown and I have had a fantastic time.

Last night I dreamt that I pooped in my bike shorts and my friends on Peaks politely told me how bad I smelled. Read into that one! Thank you very, very much for your support and reading—and please do tell me if I stink.
Now, where next…

31 thoughts on “This is the End of 1,326 Miles-Day 26 of my solo bike tour across South America”

  1. Thanks for taking us all along with you! This is just the inspiration I needed this winter to get out and travel more. Well done, Leah, and safe travels home!

  2. I can’t stop laughing!!
    I’ve enjoyed each ad every daily post and passed them forward to my 93 year old well-travelled friend who has relished being in the sidecar.
    Cheers and thank you.
    Hope to see you on Peaks one of these days. I visit regularly.

  3. You are a wonderful writer. Not only have you taken all of us with you on a grand adventure but your insight, your willingness to share not just the beautiful but also the ugly, the scary, and the challenging parts has been moving. Yes I admire you for doing something I don’t think I could do, but more than that, I admire your depth of understanding, your quest to find what’s good, and your ability to share it all with us that doesn’t put you up on a pedestal, just another(very special) human being. I’m looking forward to welcoming you back to Peaks! Stinky or not!!

  4. Great ending to your adventure! Thanks for sharing! I looked forward to each day’s installment. I’m looking forward to when I retire and can follow my heart’s desire for bicycle travel!

  5. Congratulations! You did it!
    Thanks for bringing us along for the ride.
    See you soon on another rocky coast ~

  6. I’ll say it again, you are incredibly brave to embark on this tour and kudos to you for completing it and writing about it. I enjoyed everyone of your blog posts!!!

    Thank you!!

  7. Echoing what others have said: Thank you for taking us along for the ride! And have a safe trip home!

  8. I have enjoyed your adventure. Thanks for writing about it and sharing your experiences.

  9. Leah, you posess a unique descriptive awareness, sheer pleasure to peruse your post arrivals ; at the same time my wife is watching, ‘Say Yes to the Dress.’ (Really) I shall be bereft of your exiting travels, but hopefully shall emulate this year with a Transam for my 65th…….Thank you for inspiring me!
    Iain ( Aberdeen, Scotland)

  10. Congrats Leah!!
    I’m almost sad to see you adventure end. Every day I searched for your messages. I get excited learning ofyour adventures. Thanks for sharing them. You are an amazing woman.

    Happy trails lady.

  11. thank you for sharing your journey! I so needed to hear this as I used to be fearless like you and travel alone. I hope to be that person again!

  12. I never doubted that you would successfully get from coast to coast intact. You made it seem so doable that one is tempted to think about such an adventure. Um, maybe not, as the reality is that not everyone can do what you have done. The story is inspiring for all of us who have been taken along on your quest. I hope there is a book being germinated from the blog entries, and well, maybe a new adventure calling that we will hear about. Congratulations, Leah!

  13. I will continue to admire your bravery and spirit and will miss your blog even though I am relieved you are safe.

  14. Leah you are amazing. Your stories of adventure have been wonderful to read each day. You are very detailed and descriptive in your writing which makes it easy for all of us to feel like we are there with you. Big congratulation to you. Enjoy your time hiking with Twain and safe travels back home.

  15. What an incredible journey! I am in awe of your tenacity and bravery! Thanks for taking me along through your words!

  16. You are a very brave, inspiring and strong person also a very gifted writer!! I so enjoy following along on your adventures. Thanks for being open & honest in sharing your experiences!! I look forward to reading about your next one!

  17. Thank you for sharing your adventure with us!! I have enjoyed reading your daily “letters home” — for the story and the great way you tell it. You have a gift! And I have learned a few things in the reading. It’s easy to forget that the world is mostly good — but your writing reminds me to take the world’s bad news in small doses and focus on what matters most. Congratulations on completing another trek!!

  18. Oh, Leah, I’ve so enjoyed the ride with you. You’ve lived a great adventure and told such a compelling story. I, too, appreciate being able to tag along for the ride. I wish I had more of your adventurous spirit. But don’t you worry, I’ll be happy to let you know when you stink!

  19. i have loved ready about your adventures and shared it with friends too! I am heading out for a solo trip myself but here in the states. I bet I will get stinky-lol You ARE amazing !
    love, judi

  20. I salute your incredible accomplishments and the kindness of strangers that you encountered. Soak up all that is great in your everyday life!

  21. Congratulations Leah on another incredible journey! You are amazing and an inspiration to all who follow your adventures. Cheers to many more travels!

  22. Hi Leah, while you were biking across South America, I spent a few weeks vacationing in Costa Rica. While there I was reading your blog and looking forward to it each day. And when I was feeling anxious or challenged or discouraged or joyful and taking in the beauty of Central America, I took inspiration from your journey. Thank you for sharing it with all of us. Jim.

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