Small House Madness

There has been an early snow and a drastic drop in temperature here on Peaks Island. Peaks is a bucolic island, two miles off the coast of Portland, Maine. It is populated by 1,000 hardy souls three seasons of the year, and balloons up to 4,000 in the summer. It is an ideal place to raise a family. A ferry runs hourly back and forth to the city and it provides the best of urban and rural living. Our family works and goes to school in the city and then we come home to a yard full of beehives, gardens and fruit trees with beaches and forests just a block or two away. Most everybody on the island knows each other and for the most part, get along. Not many secrets, tons of gossip and a cozy small-town feel. How can I complain?

Well, one can feel a bit stuck here. There is a four-mile shore road that circumnavigates the island and I walk or run it just about every day. It is beautiful, but after the 10th time in a week, it can begin to feel like a running on a hamster wheel. Going to town as an alternative can sometimes feel like an insurmountable effort. We ride the ferry six or seven times a week and everything in Portland costs money. To entertain myself at home, I have baked, played the piano, eaten and drank to a gluttonous level with my family (it was Thanksgiving break), exercised and read. 

Yet, here it is, November 25th, and already, I feel a bit of small house madness. No surprise right? Oakley is bouncing off the walls, finding no purchase for his boundless energy. The trampoline is covered with snow, the unicycles have been put in the basement and there is a moratorium on screen time in our house. This leaves him at a loss. He runs up and down the stairs like a galloping colt in a too small pen. He begs for snacks, begs for screen time, begs for snacks etc. We make him go outside. He runs around finding friends than they all come back here and continue the running and begging routine. Last night I dreamt I looked up at the living room ceiling and found it pockmarked with chunks of broken plaster and lathe. I asked my husband what happened and he said “It is from Oakley’s stomping.” This bike trip can’t happen soon enough. If it doesn’t the walls of our house will collapse and Oakley and I might combust.

44 thoughts on “Small House Madness”

  1. Leah and Oakley,
    This is great news. What a gift for both of you. I will be following you all the way and cheering you on through the good the bad and the ugly

  2. Yay! This is so inspiring. I am so happy for you both. I look forward to following your adventure with Cedar. Cheering for you with each turning of your wheels. xo, Rachel

  3. Yay! This is so inspiring. So happy for you both. I look forward to following your adventure with Cedar. We will be cheering you on with every turn of your wheels. xo, Rachel

  4. Thank you Leah and Oakley for putting me on notice for a modern day odyssey. The journey, “Homeric” in potential, is worth chronicling and following. You’ve captured my imagination, and have my encouragement and support.

  5. So exciting! Wishing you all the best as you plan, prepare and dream. It will be an adventure and create great stories.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful adventure, Leah and Oakley! I will be following you from start to finish and am glad to have that opportunity.

  7. Wow! Leah and Oakley! Getting out of your comfort zone can be so scary. But what an adventure you will have together. Jim and I are cheering you on.

    Did you ever read the book “You Are Never Too Old To Raise A Little Hell” about the 90 year old woman (Granny D) who walked across the country to raise awareness about Campaign Finance Reform? An interesting read as friends and complete strangers started joining her in her walk. Sometimes for just a day, sometimes for weeks on end. It helped her through some of the rough patches. I have it if you want to borrow it.

  8. Yay! So happy for you both. Looking forward to following you every turn of the wheel. Very inspiring!

  9. So excited for you two! We miss your wonderful family with us here in Parkwood! Can’t wait to follow your adventure!

    1. Sure do. Leaving Astoria Oregon in the beginning of August and heading for the east coast. I will post maps soon! Want to come?

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