In these uncertain times, there is only one thing to do. Have faith. Faith in the kindness of people, the beauty in the world and the strength in one’s self. So, for that reason alone, off I go, to Cuba this time.

I will spend about a month, circumnavigating the country, traveling alone on bicycle from town to town. I plan on stringing the routes together of other cyclists that have gone before me and I will stay in local hospedajes; rented rooms in various people’s homes. I will have to speak my terrible Spanish. I will exhaust myself. I have heard that the country is beautiful and the people are warm and welcoming and I will have an opportunity to be completely immersed it, taking a break from the political discord here. Perhaps I will be exposed to new perspectives. It all sounds perfect, most of the time.

Am I scared? Yes. Do I worry about traffic, loneliness, my strength and the unknown? Absolutely, especially at night, like now, when the wind rattles the last few remaining oak leaves that cling hopelessly to their skeletal branches, the rain spits and the dark seems to lap at the windows, daring me to feel brave.

“You think you will be safe out here?” It rasps, “You think you will be cared for, warmed and nourished if you leave the safety of your cozy home?”

At these time, I feel like a 3rd grader imagining a monster in my closet and I realize that the only thing to be done is to throw the door open and face these fears head on, lest I stay immobilized in my bed, sleepless and trembling.
And I don’t want to be immobilized—not ever.

Every time I go on one of these trips I relearn that the only monster is my fear. That people are kind, the world is beautiful and I am strong. I accept that there are risks associated with bicycle touring solo, but I just can’t peer out from under the blankets and feed my fears with fantastical stories of “What if?” not when there is so much good out there that I would miss.

So, now the fun. These trips give me a reason to train my body and brain. For the next 6 weeks I will cycle around and around, no matter what the weather, in an effort to get ready for the hills and headlands of Cuba. I will study Spanish more diligently, so that I can have a hope of communicating with the people there. I will study the country so I am versed in its history, customs and current structure. I will work on fine tuning my bike and I study maps. It is like being in school again, with a full course load. There is so much to learn.


  1. My Dear Leah,
    This plan of yours sounds wonderful. How great it will be to bike around Cuba. I am willing to bet that you will encounter only kind and curious people, and have great stories to share and blog about. I am working on a post right now that advocates that traveling may be the best elixir for dealing with the understandable worries that are ailing so many of us back home. Buen Camino, my dear friend.

  2. Of course I have my concerns but love your strengths; so I will be hooked on your latest solo adventure and sending you love and admiration, and trust you will take care.

  3. Cuba is very common among the touring set. And I found it one of the safest places I’ve ever traveled. That’s at 35 countries and counting. You’ll love it. Take enough cash for your entire stay unless you have a non US based card. I was there a month.

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