Striking Out On My Own-Sort Of-Day 6 of my solo bike ride across South America

First breakfast spot

I broke up with Ms. Kamoot today (my bike tour navigation system). Seems like she and I just had different ideas about what we wanted out of this tour. She was prone to take me down scenic dirt roads that were so rough, they threatened to reduce my bike and I to nuts and bolts-and molars and fillings. I tried to believe in her because she showed me beautiful places, but after today, when she sent me down a 35 mile, dusty horror show and then took me to a bridge that was completely washed out, I said enough. I am moving on.

I am not entirely going rogue though. I have Wendy and Alan. I have been reading their blog on line and they did a very similar route to what I intend to, several years ago, on a tandem! They are in their sixties, and I now plan to more or less follow in their footsteps.

After making this decision today, I found myself riding in the flood plain of Uruguay River rather than on a hateful jeep track that I had been earlier and I enjoyed a delightful tail wind to boot. The hills rolled much more gently, the land was much more lush and it was even overcast. A smattering of rain even tickled my shoulders before evaporating. A little piece of heaven I tell you. Thanks Wendy and Alan-my new besties.

I stopped for second breakfasts in a town called Dolores and had my first real Spanish conversation. Not just “Donde está el baño?”, but a true-blue chat. People seem intrigued by what I am doing and I am becoming more comfortable telling them-in Spanish.

As I sped along to my final destination of Mercedes, I was stopped by the police. They wanted to say hello and wish me safe travels. They said if I ever need help, even just to change a flat tire, to call them-911. They were incredibly encouraging.

Now I sit in a campground on the River Uruguay surrounded by other campers. They are drinking Mate and listening to loud music, laughing, clapping and egging each other on. I think it is going to be a party scene tonight-perhaps I will embrace it.

By the way-gauze, Neosporin and medical tape, seem to have turned the tide on my saddle sores. Thanks for everyone’s advice.

21 thoughts on “Striking Out On My Own-Sort Of-Day 6 of my solo bike ride across South America”

  1. I knew Ms Kahoot wouldn’t last! Experiences with auto GPS educated me on the fact that you’ve got to find a navigational system that’s of a similar mind (so to speak). Wendy and Alan sound like just the ticket! Glad you’re finding your groove! Glad the pain is lessening in the nether regions! Love those cops! Pedal on!

  2. Sounds like you made some good changes ( gauze and medical tape instead of duct tape!) and Wendy and Alan instead of torture lady! And you’re speaking Spanish!!! Wonderful report! Yay Leah!

  3. Hahahahaha!!! Yay you for dumping a lousy partner. So happy that you experienced a more pleasant roll today.

  4. Thanks for your posts. I like when you mention towns because I look them up on Google to see what you are seeing. I am very happy most folks are friendly!

  5. Dear Bikemum,
    When you planned your route, did you designate yourself as touring, and set your level of fitness? Your route selection sounds like it might be set for mountain biking or hiking with the fitness of a much younger person.
    Go Bikemum!

  6. Did you set Komoot for bike touring and your level of fitness? It reads like you selected mountain biking or hiking with a much younger self.

  7. Sounds as though you hit the jackpot with Wendy and Alan. Great! Love the pictures. Hope tomorrow is another good day. An overcast day is good!

  8. Hey Leah! Like everyone I love and admire your pluck, and your gift of connecting with people wherever you are! And I especially appreciate that after a day of adventuring and all that it brings , you always make the time — and find the energy — to *write*. That is super inspiring to me.

  9. Keep riding Leah – we are all routing for you! What an amazing adventure that you will be able to tell your grandkids about someday.

    Wishing you well!

  10. Love reading about your latest adventure Leah! It’s so inspiring and your writing is beautiful. Thanks for sharing and hope the trip continues to fuel your spirit!

  11. I LOVE the police support! I wish we had that here in Maine. “911, what is your emergency? I’ve got a flat, can you come quickly???” Hahahahaha! Thank you for sharing. Fun to follow along!

  12. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but with your vivid storytelling there is no need for pictures as (I believe) I feel and see the same as you. Remarkable 😃👍

  13. Leah!! I’m so glad that you found a gentler route and had a respite from the heat (my face was turning purple just hearing about it) and that you’ve upgraded from duct tape to medical tape.

    Did you embrace the party scene?
    With you in spirit!!

  14. So glad you found a better route! Nice to hear the police were helpful! Enjoy the camaraderie.
    Thinking of you ❤️

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