Getting My Act Together and on My Bike-Biking Across South America-Day 2

There is no better way to practice Spanish and get to know a place than biking around a large city, trying desperately to procure a SIM card for your iPhone. I visited four different cell phone stores to no avail, before finally getting an international roaming plan directly with my carrier. No matter- it allowed me to see Montevideo inside and out and I have found that it is a beautiful city and the people are muy tranquilo-very helpful and kind. I also found that Spanish in Uruguay is much different that Duolingo Spanish-but more on that later.

Montevideo is pressed up against a dark, chocolate-brown Atlantic. Rows and rows of tall apartment buildings seem to be elbowing their way to try to get closest to the water, but luckily, they are held back by the Rambla. The Rambla is 22 kilometer, stone walkway that runs along the coast for biking and strolling. (and rambling?) I did both, taking in the endless beaches and volcanic rocky outcrops, and as I did, I happened upon a young man who is also out for a month-long bike ride. He had come along the coast from Brazil and today was his last day. I love finding people like this-it feels like a secret society.

Perhaps he chose to bike here because of how well cyclists are treated. There are bike lanes, cars are courteous and they have guarded bike garages throughout the city. You show them your ID and they secure your bike while you run your errands-for free!

As I write this, the city is full of the sound of drumming-I have seen three large drum circles-100 drummers strong- in my wanderings this evening and now the night is alive with their energy, but not mine. Tomorrow is when the real fun starts and I need to get some rest.

5 thoughts on “Getting My Act Together and on My Bike-Biking Across South America-Day 2”

  1. Glad you finally got hooked up with your iPhone! And glad you are enjoying the sights (and drumbeats of the city!). I’m sure it’s tiring, but fun! 🙂

  2. Hi Leah,
    Mathilde send me your blog, so 2023 already has started much better than 2022, now that I can follow along your amazing trip across from coast to coast.
    At first I thought “crazy woman”, but then “I wish it was me”.
    May the cycle gods be with you 🚴‍♀️😃🤞

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