The First Step is a Doozy-Biking solo across South America

Smooth starts were really never my thing. Not sure why, but my adventures always begin in the same fashion-like trying to uncoil a knotted skien of yarn. An overwhelming mess that, by pure luck, eventually sorts itself out and becomes something beautiful. Or-maybe it is other people that sort it out and it is not luck, but sheer will.

Let’s just say that I maybe left my panniers and all my gear in Portland and didn’t realize that I didn’t have them until we were parked in the Logan airport in Boston.

Let’s just say that it was impossible to get them in time and there were no more seats available for several days.

Let’s just say that due to a herculaic effort on both my husband and my son’s parts, while I just stood there numb, those said bags miraculously made their way from Portland to Boston in record breaking time and onto the plane with zero minutes to spare.

It involved a bit of speeding on my son’s part, a cheering ticket agent, an invested baggage supervisor-willing to work around the computer system, a sprinting bloody-headed spouse and a pilot willing to hold the plane for one extra little minute.

Everyone was okay-except perhaps me, I was a mess, and then there were the people watching Twain jump the baggage line, carrying a 60-pound laundry bag over his shoulder filled with my gear while covered in blood-God knows what they thought. (The sliced head was from an over exuberant unlatching of the my son’s car trunk in Twain’s rush to save the day-he says it was no big deal).

24 hours later, here I am sitting in the shade of a Eucalyptus tree in Montevideo. I am exhausted, but beginning to gather my wits. I just ate a bag of hot, greasy, sugar coated Churros for dinner while watching all the people in the town converge in the city park to drink Mate, goof around with their kids and/or engage in some light, lover nuzzling. Smooches abound. It is pretty tranquilo and is helping to settle my nerves. Tomorrow I will explore the coast on my bike before turning west. Let’s hope it is time to begin knitting the sweater and the snarl is behind us.

18 thoughts on “The First Step is a Doozy-Biking solo across South America”

  1. Whew! What an adrenaline rush must have been. It takes a family, friends, and kindness to make it work.
    We hope all is well and you are getting geared up to head west.
    Best wishes always

  2. Wow, that’s quite the beginning of your trip! Hope it’s more easy-going after this! 🙂

  3. Good to get those snarls and mess- ups out of the way first thing. Makes for an exciting beginning for sure!! Now relax and enjoy!!

  4. Wow, Leah! Never a dull moment! Can’t wait to hear more! Stay safe and have an amazing journey!

  5. My sister just gave me a talking too about leaving things behind but she drove out to my camping spot with my ground sheet. So far panniers aren’t something I have had to retrieved.
    Enjoy you bike trip.

  6. Oh my goodness Leah! You always do things with a certain flair lol!
    Glad you’ve made it there in one piece xo

  7. You are a brilliant writer. I applaud your adventurous spirit & every turn of your crank shaft. Live, love, laugh & of course let the universe teach you all you need to know. Be safe & I look forward to hearing more…

  8. I think the guys need superhero capes! And maybe stitches?:-)
    A terrible final rehearsal for a performance usually results in a wonderful opening through final night; I’m certain that the rest of your journey will be a smooth success.

  9. Nothing like a hair on fire moment to get your adrenaline pumping. Hope all is calm from now on!

  10. Good thing you and family are well-seasoned transportation-emergency-miracle-work-arounders from depending on that ferry. My guess is that many folks would have folded under that pressure.

    I saw that laundry bag on the boat that morning and wondered “why’s Leah doing laundry on her departure day?”

    Best of everything to you. I’ll be following along.

  11. Amazing and crazy all the same time!!! Super great that you have all your stuff that you I’m sure CAREfully packed!!
    One pedal at a time!!!

  12. We got the update from Raves yesterday – the Twain shot is way more gruesome than even my imagination came up with – maybe it’s the half stuck airport napkin? (did not see that coming). So glad you made it off and out ok. Ride safe! And Finn, you deserve a medal.

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