Head Full of Pop Rocks-Leaving Tomorrow to Bike Solo Across South America

My original partner in bike crime-I will miss him like crazy

I have lists on the back of Christmas cards, lists on the backs of junk mail, notebook pages full of lists and lists set on the reminder app of my phone, and I bounce from one to the other manifesting a popping, fizzing, chaotic energy, much like a mouth full of Pop Rocks-but perhaps not so pleasant.

Do I have my solar charger, sleeping bag liner, paper maps, and rain gear? How about a first aid kit? Did I forward the emails from my son’s teachers and coaches to my husband Twain? Have I written notes on the kitchen calendar about this doctor appointment and that school conference and the swim meet schedule? Now I need to box my new Jamis bike, pack my panniers, check maps again and exchange my tent-it was defective. I am going to need a SIM card and what is the exchange rate anyway? Will Google translate work? How about a universal charger? Do I have my passport? Better double check. My COVID vaccination card? Where did I put my pocket Spanish Dictionary? All this while trying to be present and home while I am. All without being completely self-centered. It isn’t pretty.

I am excited for this adventure, but today-it is easy to forget that. Home is comfortable and holds me tight in its many layers of responsibility and routine. Sometimes it feels hard to get a deep breath in all those layers and I get restless, but today it feels like to not have them is to run naked down a city street. Alone and exposed.

I choose to do this to myself. It makes me very uncomfortable, but very awake. It is now that I love my family more than anything. I love this cat right here who is naughtily sitting on the dining table pressing up against the warmth of this computer, like I have never loved him before. I love the touch of my husband and the easy laughter of my friends. I love my kitchen and the idea of cooking good food and hearing Oakley’s banter about his current favorite car over dinner. I love the patterns of my day that at other times can seem so boring and predictable. Today it all comprises a vivid, interwoven tapestry and I take none of it for granted.

Tomorrow I will leave all this and fly to Uruguay. I will cry a lot and second guess my decision to go at least 150 times in route. I will then, hopefully, mop up my tears and cycle alone for 30 days relying on the goodness of strangers, the care of drivers and strength in my muscles and brains. I intend to finish on the Pacific coast near Santiago, Chile. I will be terribly homesick, even if all goes well, even if it is shockingly beautiful. I will worry about my family and worry about myself for my family. I will be an outsider-my Spanish is still very rough and I will have to keep my wits about me every second of the day and night. Exhausting.

But, here is the thing. I am accepting these difficult feelings, because this is how I want to engage with this life. I want to trust and be open to what is out there and who we are as humans. I want to say “Yes” and hear other people say it back. I want to gulp it all in. All the feelings. All the world. The peeling of all these domestic layers creates a new fresh skin. It is tender and vulnerable, but it lets in so much.

I can hardly wait to be home again, and that is because I am leaving.

I will write when I can-when I have wifi. Feel free to follow and learn about this part of the world with me.

*If you liked reading this-try “Changing Gears” at Familius Press

30 thoughts on “Head Full of Pop Rocks-Leaving Tomorrow to Bike Solo Across South America”

  1. Have a wonderful trip Leah!! I’m sure it will go well for you. You are brave and kind and good to the bone – people recognize that in any language. Happy pedaling!

  2. Sojourn on young lady! Be blessed in the adventure of it all as we tag along in anticipation of your next correspondence.

  3. I’m cheering you on and standing in awe! May your travels be safe but thrilling and fill you up in your soul the way you hope.
    Look forward to reading whatever you can share! Love you and am wishing you the happiest journey xo

  4. Cousins in California will be watching (and bragging) again. We will channel all our good thoughts your way.

  5. You are amazing! You set a goal and then find a way to make it happen. Be safe, stay healthy and enjoy every minute of the adventure. I loved “Changing Gears” and will be eagerly awaiting the next book. I am also hoping to follow your adventure as you update your blog.

  6. Sending you love, courage and the wind on your back throughout your journey. We look forward to reading about it.

  7. You’ve got this, Leah! Can’t wait to read about your adventures! Good luck and enjoy!

  8. Best of luck to you and we will all look forward to your postings! Be safe, enjoy the view and meeting people on your Grand Adventure!!

  9. Godspeed Leah. You’ll be in my thoughts. I wish for you amazing adventures, good times and new friends and memories.

  10. You are so inspirational! I wish I could be so adventurous. Sending you love, luck and kindness. Can’t wait to hear of your adventures.

  11. GOOD LUCK, LEAH -we’re all with you in spirit!!
    Nancy, Scott and Bowie

  12. Leah, you are so admirable in how you organize yourself and record the journey. If I had known today was your last day home(and checked my email more often) I would have stopped when I saw you and Heather walking and hugged you. Peace , strength and bon voyage !

  13. Wishing you an amazing journey – can’t wait to follow along (so glad you checked the tent 🙂

  14. “Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road,
    Healthy, free, the world before me,
    The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.”
    ~Song of the Open Road, Walt Whitman

    Will be with you in spirit! Be safe. Have fun. Sending lots of love.

  15. So happy and in awe of you, Leah. I am eager to read and learn from your adventures. Safe travels!

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