Going Solo

A quick hike in the Whites on Mount Waumbek with friends and family before I head out alone.

It is time for another adventure. I know, you have heard many tales about my teenage son Oakley and I doing this and that together over the years, but this time is different. This time I am going alone.

In two weeks, I will depart on a ten day, unsupported bike-packing expedition from El Paso, Texas to Phoenix, Arizona all by myself. I will ride 512 miles, and experience an 8,228 foot elevation gain, averaging 72 miles a day. I will try to camp for the entirety. Just me and the coyotes, what fun! But, truth be told, as I sit in my cozy house on the coast of Maine and look out at my snow-covered yard, shimmering in five degree temperatures, I feel a bit nervous. It is a big world out there, and as much as I long to experience it, I also cherish the safety of home, friends and family. It helps quell my anxiety to imagine what I may see.

For the first day or so of the ride, I will follow along the Rio Grande river, looking across its waters into Mexico. I’ve always wanted to see the Rio Grande. It is a river full of history, meaning and myth. I am also psyched for its flatness and perhaps eating some good street food along the way.

Then I will turn north and climb through the desert, up and over the continental divide. Going from my sea level home to such a high elevation in this a short of a time is bound to be a challenge. Heady to say the least. The days will be warm, but the nights cold. Temperatures will fluctuate between 20 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. I hope my sleeping bag is up to the challenge.

If I am lucky, I will have time to explore the the Gila Cliff Dwellings found near by. There is evidence that they were occupied as early as 100 A.D. Maybe they will help me put some of my every day woes in perspective! It seems to me that sort of deep history can be felt in the air. After that I will descend down through the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation. I am sure I will see Saguaro Cacti, Teddy Bear Cholla, and hopefully, some Horny Toad Lizards and Mule Deer. Hopefully not, any scorpions or rattlers.

As I enter Arizona, I will visit the Tonto National forest and pass by Arrowhead Mountain, Black Mesa, Iron Dike and Theodore Roosevelt Lake. I can hardly wait for the wide open land-the horizon that stretches out forever and the endless sky; piercing blue by day, glowing translucent at sunset and pricked by endless stars at night. All that expanse, and just me and my bike. I plan to take some seriously deep breaths. My ride will end in the Phoenix Basin, where, if all goes well, I will exchange my wheels for wings and fly home.

I will see beautiful things, that is for sure, but this time, I will have to change my own flats and keep my own wheels true. I will have to keep my own company and fill my head with my own thoughts instead of Oakley’s. I will have to set up my own tent, watch my own back and motivate my own self to keep going. I will also have to carry all my own gear! I have come to rely on Oaks. Not only his strength and company, but his distraction. I don’t even know if I remember how to be alone! That is why I am going. Wish me luck.

I will post daily when the trip begins. It helps me make sense of it all.

This snow is beautiful-but the desert is calling

24 thoughts on “Going Solo”

  1. What an amazing courageous adventure. Wish you safe travels and starlit nights. Look forward to reading your blog.
    In peace,
    Mary Donnelly
    Shelburne VT

  2. I think all your past trips will be good experience for you to be able to do this solo trip. Just make sure you’ve got what you need with you as there won’t be many sources to get stuff along the way.

    1. All the best wishes Lea. May your solo travel open new worlds of boundless beauty and burst any mental limits.

  3. This will be epic! Enjoy the company it’s the best in the world. Take a harmonica , sing and dance daily.

  4. You are truly indefatigable! I will watch for accounts of this journey in awe, Leah, but confess the awe will be mixed with concern. Stay safe and keep close in your heart the love and admiration of your very large number of supporters.

    Love and peace,


  5. WOW!! You are a brave adventurous sole. Looking forward to following you on your journey. Be safe and enjoy your travels.


  6. The cold, if any, shouldn’t be an issue for someone like you. But the rest of it – wow, what a challenge! Especially the all-camping part. Hopefully it will all be at organized campgrounds or with permission? Looking forward to your updates. Given the difficulty of this tour, please don’t feel obligated to post your usual literary masterpieces if it becomes a burden. Just let us know you’re okay. Details can always be added later.

  7. You remind me so much of my mom. Your inner navigation is so strong, pulling you towards those big, big skies. Thank you for living so fully. The world deserves to be seen and amazed by.

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